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    Value-added Business Success Factors: The Role of Management and Operations

    Don Senechal, F. Larry Leistritz and, Nancy Hodur (April, 2010)

    There has been a surge of interest in farmer-owned business ventures that seek to capture additional value from commodities past the farm gate. Some of these ventures have been very successful, some marginally successful and some have failed. Supported by funding from the Ag Marketing Resource Center at Iowa State University, we conducted in-depth interviews with farmer-owned businesses to determine the key factors that influenced the relative success or failure of these ventures. A better understanding of why some ventures succeeded while others failed provides valuable insight for the success of future farmer-owned businesses. This article focuses on the role of management and operations for business success.

  • Details

    Iowa State University Extension
    Iowa State University
    April, 2010
    Material Type
    Written Material